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Join The Revolution!





7951 Pontiac St, Commerce City CO, 80022

About Me (Carlos Hernandez)
Hey everyone! I hope while you were looking throughout this website you have decided to take control of your life and to not accept being an average individual. This is your chance to not only impact your life but the lives of many others that are important to you. Dont let an opportunity slip by just because it sounds "too good to be true" Take risks in life. The most successful people in this world took risk and believed in themselves and thier team that helped them get to where they are now. No one gets successful alone...and in this team NO ONE will be left behind. We care about the newest affiliate. We are all on one mission, a mission to financial freedom and true happiness.
With that being said let me tell you a little about myself. 
My name is Carlos Hernandez. Im 22 years old and Im an average guy with above average dreams. I was born and raised in a small town called Emporia Kansas. I did what everyone else did. Go to school and get good grades to go to college and find a "high paying job". While I was in highschool I knew I was going to be wealthy and well known but had no idea how I was going to get there. I dreamed of living the life of a rock star.
So I went to Emporia State University for 1 year and 3 months after highschool. I still had it in my mind that I was going to be successful but I didnt see that school was going to get me there. I realized I was being taught by people that don't even know how to make money, because in reality if they did know they'd be out in the REAL WORLD making millions instead of teaching about it out of a text book. It just wasnt for me.
I dropped out and during all that i worked at a restaurant called Pizza Ranch. I became manager and managed that store for about 3 years (I worked there for 5 years total). Over time I learned that I never looked forward to going to work, I disliked my boss, I disliked being told what to do, what to wear, when to clock in and clock out and I was living paycheck to paycheck and I was working in a position which in my hometown was seen as "successful". I felt stuck in life. I knew there had to be a different way..a way out of working for the rest of my life. Again..I didnt know what was out there or where to proceed to get to my dreams. Luckily I met someone that changed my life forever. 
Soon after I dropped out of school and was working my life away I met a man named Hoang Troung. I've never met him before but he was born in Emporia Ks where I was too. He was serving in the Navy in Washington State. This man saw something within me before I saw it myself. He showed me a way out. He introduced Vemma to my friend then it was presented to me. After that day, after that conversation we had, I knew I could never turn back to the same old ways again. I knew I had to take action because I was the only person holding myself back from my dreams. I saw proof and learned everything I could about this business. Until this very day I'm still learning. I introduced this to a few good friends. Many laughed at me, many said it wasnt possible, many said I didnt have it within me...but Mr. Hoang Troung believed in me. He's pushed me to believe that I can have ANYTHING I wanted in life and theres no one that can stop me but myself. 
I kept on grinding. I was rejected MANY times. I've heard "NO" way more than "YES" but it didnt matter to me. I was going to make it with or without those people and here I am now with a team of excited young people that now understand that they control their destiny. Its happening and I'm excited for the future to come because I can already see it. I've learned in this business that the more people you help the bigger your check is and I believe thats the best way to do business. 
Never give up on your dreams. Join us so we can help each other reach our goals in life. Join our team..join the VEMMA REVOLUTION. We can change the world!!
Dream big!!
vemma revolution

Carlos Hernandez Vemma Leader

vemma revolution

Mr. Hoang Troung Diamond Vemma Leader

Feel free to inquire within! I'm here to help you reach your dreams!

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